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Support given to a child being a victim of bullying

The support given to a child that is being bullied has to be completely harmonized with the child’s emotional state. Specifically, as we have seen, a child being bullied experiences
  • FEAR
The child has to understand these emotions, accept them, and deal with them as an expected reaction to what is happening.
Thus the objectives of the support are defined as follows:
  • The perception of the phenomenon,
Within the framework of the psycho-education? Ψυχοεκπαίδευσης?(educating them with the help of psychologists?), we explain and analyze the phenomenon of school bullying with simple and understandable words (according to the age group and intellectual level of each child). The knowledge offers confidence and helps the child to stand on its feet and face the phenomenon
  • The non-exclusive nature of what the child experiences
  • Within the framework of the pshycho-education the child understands that other children have also been in this situation, a fact which functions in a helping way to its emotional state.
  • Their absolution
The children have a feeling of guilt. The support has to operate in such a manner so that the child understands that “regardless of his looks (fat, big ears etc), no matter what he has done” nobody has the right to treat him in such a way.   
  • The need to share it with someone close to them  
Usually, the children out of shame – guilt – fear don’t say what is happening to them. They have to understand the importance of what is happening and the need to talk and to accept help.
  • And the prospect of help  
The conclusion of all this is the acceptance by the child of the fact that it needs help.