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The child who bullies - Profile

In the manifestation of the phenomenon, particular interest is drawn to the child (or group of children) who bully others which often raises conflicting emotions.  In many people it raises anger and resentment while many acknowledge the need to support such a child.

We must always remember that behind a child who bullies there will be

  • A need for domination over others
  • Inability to control impulses  
  • Reduced ability for self-control 
  • Inability to comply with rules and limitations
  • Unusually low anxiety 
  • Inflated self-image
  • Lack of sense of  measure 
  • Their popularity level is average to below average and decreases as they accede in the educational levels
  • Is hostile towards its environment (especially towards its parents and teachers)
  • Absolute lack of empathy 
  • It is possible that they are surrounded by fellow students who don’t bully themselves directly but reinforce the child who does (bully)

If immediate and appropriate action is not taken, there are increased future risk of:

  • delinquent behaviour,
  • use of substances and 
  • confrontation with the law